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Sweet Peas - Janet Scott Pink

Sweet Peas - Janet Scott Pink

Regular price $6.29 CAD
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Lathyrus odoratus. This grandiflora variety has large, pale pink flowers with intense fragrance. Janet Scott is a famous old heirloom sweet pea that was first introduced by W. Atlee Bupee in 1903. Plant Janet Scott sweet pea seeds and expect flowers that measure 3cm (1" ) across on vigorous vines that grow 1.8m (6') tall. Each stem can bear three or four highly fragrant flowers which makes them excellent for cutting. Soak sweet pea seeds for six hours before sowing, and then direct sow in the garden into cool, damp soil. Sow sweet pea seeds as early as March in coastal BC, or start them indoors about that time for transplanting when the soil warms up in your area.


    • Grows to 1.8m (6') tall
    • Intense Fragrance
    • Single colour



Lathyrus odoratus and others
Family: Fabaceae



Season & Zone

Exposure: Full sun


Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last average frost date for your area. Or direct sow outdoors in early spring, while the soil is still cool and light frost is still possible. Plants are strongest from an early, indoor sowing. Sweet peas can also be direct sown in the fall where winters are mild.

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